
"We'll Conquer Jerusalem If Middle East Grant Us Passage"-Taliban Sparks

 "We'll Conquer Jerusalem If Middle East Grant Us Passage"-Taliban Sparks

The Taliban have announced that they have  intent is to "conquer Jerusalem” and

asked neighboring countries to for passage

Israel's huge military and intelligence failure lead to 25 active confrontation with hamas across southern Israel.

So far over 7000 Rockets have been launched and in retaliation Israel  destroyed  “Palestine Tower” in the Gaza Strip which was a 14-Story Building . 

Some opinion are : Israel is now flattening entire high-rise residential buildings in central Gaza that have ZERO security value!

These are called "power targets" & bombing them is aimed purely at terrorizing, intimidating & collectively punishing the Gazan population...

Where do you stand on the israel-palestine affair, your opinion is highly valuable?

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